Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Making The Trip

I have to admit that I am a little ignorant. As i took off from Denver International Airport I had no idea what to expect when I got here. When I landed in London for my layover I came to a conclusion, based on the people there and the little scenery that i could see from the airport that being in a foreign country really was not as different as I thought. Except for the fact that I was in England where all the signs were still in English, the people spoke English, and the fact that i was in the AIRPORT!!! You can't see a whole lot of culture change in an airport, especially in one that is much like an american airport. Now I don't know why i thought this because I have been to other country's before and they are very different. None the less my theory was obliterated when i landed in Cairo. It was midnight and here I am trying to read the signs, and wondering if I would ever find the person who was picking me up. I managed to get my visa, find my bags, and find my ride all in about 10 minutes!! We made it to the school regardless of the insane driver who i swear was centimeters from hitting side mirrors with another car. One awesome thing though is our room has A/C!!! Not bad for my first experience here.


  1. I heard about the drivers out there...! Glad to know you made the guardian angels where in that car too! And A/C???? What kinda SM experience is this?? Ha, ha, ha... Well good thing we didn't buy that $6 fan. At least you will get good sleep which I am sure you will need with the jet lag you must be going through right now. 20 minutes of sleep is NOT much! You are in our prayers! Daddy and I are SOOOO glad you are doing well so far. Stay in touch often.

  2. Glad you made it. Don't eat the guacamole till your 4th week there. Good luck and keep us posted. -Robbie, Susie & Rob

  3. That's cool!! I know it's just gonna get better and better from here on out! Pet a camel. I love camels I have ALWAYS wanted to pet one. :) God is gonna use you, it's so exciting isn't it?

  4. Hi Michael. Glad you are in Moses'land. Hope you can see all there is to see around you. Hope you can learn some Arabic as well. It will be an extra to your résumé later on. Love you. Abuelo.

  5. Thanks to technology, so cool to just hear so much about your Egypt adventure. Enjoy the richness of Cairo. God have store great things for you... Keep us posted. -- Abuela

  6. yay for having AC! to bad you couldn't see more of the scenery in London ;) i can't wait to hear more! love you lots!
